
Archive for July, 2014

Another day at the office. Happy clients make a happy day …

” – A testimonial from Dr. Julie Schatzel (used with permission) :

it is difficult to live with pain, whether it is a chronic condition, or something that flares up periodically. i was having an especially difficult week, when I sought treatment at the Pacific Laser Therapy center in Santa Barbara. as a health care practitioner myself, i was familiar with the medical uses of lasers, and lasers that use mild heat to treat pain. My first interaction with the Therapy Center was a phone conversation with the laser therapist Sam. He was professional, and clearly at knowledgeable about Laser therapy. He fit me into his busy schedule that same day, and we met at his office. Sam uses a combination of different therapies in the treatment session, specific treatment points are targeted with a hand held laser, and another specialized device, everything was painless, you feel only a little warmth from the beam of the laser. Depending on what part of the body your pain derives from Sam locates certain points typically on the extremities or near the spine, and directs the soothing heat of the laser at those specific target points. The treatment took about an hour, and I could not believe the results, by the next day, I felt better than I had felt in months, maybe even years. My pain had diminished dramatically, and I was rejunvenated. The results were so fabulous, I could hardly believe it myself. It was truly amazing, if I lived in Santa Barbara, I would use the Pacific Laser Therapy Center with regularity, for the lucky people that live there, Sam is an expert healer. I researched my entire community from Sacrament to San Francisco, and there is nothing like the kind of treatment that Sam offers. He has an expertise in this very specialized field, that few people have.This alternative therapy is unique and Sam’s extensive background and years of experience with laser therapy is a blessing for those who suffer from pain. I am truly thankful to Sam, and hope that I am able to get back to Santa Barbara again soon, he heals with light, and it works!

Julie Schatzel, MD

Sacramento, CA

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